Friday 4 May 2012

Am I needing too much? @@

Hanging around in Facebook, doing nothing, but waiting you to back home safe <3

Woke up late this morning because yesterday get drunk. 
My love and I finished up a tower of Heinese. After the third shot, I'm starting to get dizzy. I can see people blurred and spinning yet enjoying with inspired music and the crowd =) Of course, enjoy much with my love one =) 

The first time we spend time in bar, just we two. 
3.5.2012 <3

He smoke in front of me yesterday night. That was the first time he smoke directly in front of me. Yea FIRST TIME! I noticed, I gradually accepting him to smoke. However, I still wish he can get rid of it and go and get a hell of a healthy life. One of my goal in my list. Chant. We get so comfortable to speak frankly to each other, since the day we quarrel. That day was just like a turning point. 

This afternoon I work at his house as the night later need to give steps to the performers. Of course nevertheless, I surf at his house and I watched a clip. It was about a group of friends, celebrating one boy birthday. The birthday man is a Gay, so am i. After the blow cake session, his boyfriend, purposed to him! That scene was really touched me. There still existing Gay Couple like them, so loyal and lovely. I wish someday, this could happened to me >< 

Because, I really love you so much.
Love forever . The promise ever

Saturday 28 April 2012

Different Feeling...

People nowadays are talking about which famous blogger they catching up, which blogger the pretties and so on. Suddenly I noticed that I have a blog, which I abandon so decade. Since something happen recently, so decided to write something to make it seems like updated x) 

Encounter many problems these days. 

College side, new subject, new assignment. Doesn't really know how to do it. 

Dance side, Progressing a performance now. I am one of the choreographers. Kinda stress.

And now is the main point.
We argued today, but end up to speak frankly to each other. 

To be frankly, I still don't really can accept that you still smoking. But I need sometimes for it. But I really do have a question for you, :' Will you quit smoking because of me?' I remember last time when we were just newly couple, you said and promised to me, you will quit, because of me. And remember that time in Beer Factory? I was drunk, but i still remember you also promised me, you wont smoke. But now, for me, you are a quite heavy smoker. 

On the other hand, I'm still having many questions mark in my head, why do yo are keeping the conversation in your computer? Are they really worth? Or you really gonna show and prove me something? I just cant get through.. Like that time yo were drunk, he even know you were drunk. Can I know why??

Is this what people call, human change every second. Is your love to me had changed? 

These days, you keep going out with friends. I doesn't complain about it, just hope that you can back home bit more early. Can stop back home at 3 or 2 something every night? Like every night??....... Yes I know I don't have the time for you, I know we see everyday in school. But, sometimes, I need time with you too... But if you don't hope so, never mind ba... 

What will happen between us, if I move to Cheras? That's what im worrying now.. Will we end up like this? I don't wish to leave you. I wanna to be with you forever... 

Can I?...
Hope you read this and I can get the answers...

Monday 29 August 2011


今天的心情还好。没什么emo 了!
今天听了Dasein lecturer 解释了关于Digital Media 的课程。过后,觉得对这课越来越有兴趣 =D
我今天超累的,不想写多,名天5 点就要起来了。 >< 对不起亲爱的!

:' you are the best i ever had! the best i ever met! I LOVE YOU!!! =DDDD'

gonna sleep le~ good night~ muacks! =D

Sunday 28 August 2011


今天没什么emo, 因为功课多到没时间让我去emo。。。 我才刚刚赶完功课。
今天我觉得我做了一件非常对不起你的事。我跟了ah john 聊天。 我真的不想,可是他很烦 = =
可是,我尽然把他当作你了。在聊天的时候,有了些暧昧的成分。 我实在太想念你了,拿别人当作是你。对不起。。。一开始我还以为从他那边要得知一些事情,就是他是不是对你有意思。答案是有。 可是你做的很好,没让他发祥你是和我同一类的人。然后他对你的感觉逐渐没了。而我很失败,我没有做好本分!我不因该理会他,不因该回他!我觉得自己很失败。Facebook 的那个status,就是我对自己过后的反省。


I mean it, and it really do! I LOVE YOU!!!!


:‘亲爱的,我没事。我只想对你说声对不起。 等你回来,我会对你认错。我要你知道,没有人会比我更加的爱你! 更加的想念你!你一定一定要原谅我!不要离开我!’

I Love You.
Countdown from 4 days, Third day -> The End.

Saturday 27 August 2011


今早一起来,没看到你的消息的我,还是老样子, 一脸沮丧。星期六还要去学校,真累。。。
到了学校,完成了我应该做的事后,我开始变得不怎么说话。脑里开始想起你了。一个人静静的坐在一旁,眼泪情不自禁的掉下来。 还好没人看见,要不然又不知道要怎样解释。
过后,一路回着家,和朋友吃了午餐后,忽然间想到想回你家看看。一路去着你的家时,回想起以前去这你家载你的时候的那种心情。到你家门前,多希望你会出来。 在你家逗留了一下,就回家去。因为很累的关系,回家冲凉就睡觉去。 当睡到模模糊糊的时候,Dennis忽然加我起来。。。过不久jia hao 也打来了,叫我开电脑,因为你online了!!!! 我简直就是飞过去,坐在电脑前,等你的回应!!!终于让我等到这一刻!你online了!!! 我开心到无法形容! 因为时间限制,只好快快问!
虽然只有短短的30分钟,可是已经足够了 <3 得到你的消息,真的让我很高兴! =D
可是贪心的我,很想听你的声音。超级想念的。 还要等五天,才可以听到,看到,摸到,抱到,闻到,亲到,你。。。 过后,对你的思念,越来越强。对你的爱意当然越来越强!


I Love You.
Countdown from 5 days, Second day -> The End.

Friday 26 August 2011



没收到你的讯息的时刻,没有你关心的日子,没有你电话的问候,没有你声音陪伴我睡觉的夜晚, 没有你温暖的怀抱,没有平复我心情的脸孔,真的真的很难受。。。我试着多和朋友相聚在一起,可是我还是做不到。 T_T 


I Love You.
Countdown from 4 days, first day -> the end.

Friday 29 April 2011

为你写的 =)

在预测不到的 moment,你出现了在我的眼前。
在 Dasein 的第一天,你就吸引了我的目光。



我并没有他人浪漫。但我也会绞尽脑汁,让你感动! “给我一点点时间!!” >,<

那第二天早上,我就可以轻轻的亲你的额头,对你说‘早安。。’ =)

‘我爱你 , L.L.L.’ <3