Wednesday 30 March 2011


the pretty recent of me. =)

1,Mac Book Pro
 全部都是 'I I I' 的~ = =
“对你 I I I 不完~” ><

 又要关注学费,这些,那些。。 = =

 那感觉,好不实在,on and off 的。。
That's all for now. 
Will update again, stay tune peeps! =D

Monday 14 March 2011

Yesterday I was hanging out with friends which long time never gather!
Jia Sim, Jing Yee, Yi Vin and I =)
We went to Education fair to find out more for Jia Sim and Jing Yee college and course information.
We were laughing all the way, none stop! just like MAD PEOPLE!

Let picture do talking =)

Outfit of the day =)

Wong Yi Vin!
keep looking at the weird waiter. 
we meet a weird waiter in Kim Gary. He keep staring at people, like gonna to kill people.
you just can't imagine how doesn't he look like.
At last, we found out that he having some mental problem from another stuff. ><

The Goldfish.
She look like the waiter.. xD

Mike Ong and Goldfish. =)

Jia Sim and Jing Yee's flavorite! I prefer Startbucks. =D

looking at people again. His Hobby...= =

Dinner Time!!!!
Delicious Koren Foods!!!! 

Took pictures in the restaurent =)

We are on the TV!!!!! WUHO!!

Had a wonderful day with them.
I got no stress while jokes and topics coming out from them.
I just can't imagine how my life could be without these friend stand by me after I move to Cheras.
I'll cherish the time that I have now. =)

The toughest challenge for me now, is to save money!!!!
Gambateh Mike Ong!!! ><

Saturday 12 March 2011

Gone through an ordinary routine today.

i. have breakfast with Shan. Ordered tons of foods..and killing us.. ><

ii. went to PJ with Shan to pick up her sister from Asutha Hospital.

iii. a random chit-chat with Shan and her cousin in the house, while outside was pouring.

iv. have 32F Shave Ice as my dinner. ><

The Yam flavor doesn't tease good. Prefer the green tea one.
This is a newly operate shop, at the another end side ans you might not noticed.
v. Watched 'Beastly'. It's a kinda romantic love story.
The way to convey the message wasn't good but the moral value and the love story was just being fine. =)

Beauty and the Beast.

Peeps! That's my day =)

Friday 11 March 2011

Yesterday night after practice, 
and I had our dessert in 
"Sweet Hut" <3

forget what it call already, but very nice! =D

Caren, Mike
Evon, Taffy  =)

*dik dak dik dak* 
Raining this morning again..
But was waken up by Evon's call again ==
"let's go for breakfast!!!!" said Evon..

We had Steamboat for our breakfast,
Tom Yam soup with plenty of chillies!!!! ><
And it made me shit three times today! ><

Caren and Evon.

After that, we send evon to work, then follow by Caren, fetch her back home.

Had Cambridge English class today.
Another happening and fun class. 
Love the class now.. ><

then had a drink with Shan and Dennis. 

My banana boat. xD

Had a very long chat...
We did not gather around for so long already.
Was really appreciate the moment! =)

The End. =)

Wednesday 9 March 2011

A Random Perfectly Day.

Went to MIA(Malaysia Institute of Art) today.
It already become my target college to spend my three years. 

The driver of the day: Dennis Koay =)
'Thanks for fetching me the whole day!" (appreciation from me)

Had our brunch in Fullhouse, Sunway Giza.

Outfit of the day =)

Driver of the Day =)


Ice Lemon Tea.

"Mushroom Corn Soup"


Main Course of our burnch.

Dessert after that =)

Nothing much to do nowadays.. Feeling so blank.
Wanna get up to work again, trying hard and my best to find one! Insufficient money to use =(  "hope tmr i can get an ideal one!' =)
Most probably will start my college life on 24th of April, 2011, the next level of my life! I'm just being so excited how it will be! =D
Falling in love with YOGA recently. It already become my habit of everyday.
Besides, I'm so worry about my SPM result. BM is the my most terrible subject of  them all. >< I'm chanting as much as I can! 
HAD side, getting busier as committing much and much. At the same time, gain a lot of experience of how to manage everything in my daily life. that's really important. Without a good management, nothing can be done ideally.
Pn Amutha asking me to get steps for her Indian Song again. I have to done choreograph with a day, and gonna teach the dancers following day. = = Wish me luck peeps! ><

I'm gonna to stop here.
Take Care PeepS! =)

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Another Good Day! =D

*dik dik dik*
Was raining this morning, and the jogging plan with Caren Yap was canceled. ><
Got into bed again and 'zzZ' again..

Depart from house around 9,
and we were heading to Bangsa again. ><

We had our breakfast at 'Chawan'
Caren and I have 'I am Number Four' afterward.
Then lunch with Evon Ang.

"Fei Poh" Camwhore in my car :x


We cant live without Twitter nowadays... ><

Kimuchi Ramen & dont know what Soba. xD


 Nice Deco's in 'BlueBerry'

 Evon already fall in love with this shirt.

 She is talented to be Top Model. =X

 We cant miss any single shoot, even under the freaking hot sun!

 Mike =)

 Evon's newly bought 'camera' =)

Pic's in Buffello Restaurant.


 Mike. =)

 My first instant camera picture in my life.

 'Not that ugly what Evon ang'


Night Peeps! =D

‘突然间很感促的,虽然口头上说:“我很担心你!!!” 可是,现在就好像当做没一回事了’

Monday 7 March 2011

*ring ring ring*
my phone rang this morning.
'hey! wanna visit evon?' Caren asked.
I was like, :'o...time?'
'I'll Pick you up at 2 k?'
'o...', I answered.
I was just being blur...




We had our breakfast together at 'Chatterbox'.
Cheese Fried Rice <3

and we shop around under when outside was pouring.. ><

Outfit of the day.

Caren Yap

Caren and Mike.

This is nice, but i bought another instead.. ><

Caren and Mike.

Evon and Mike.

F Restaurant's Menu.

Another side one the menu.

Fabulous environment and peeps =)

Caren's Strawberry Dream by Evon ang =)

 A top view.

Evon made my Good Day =D

'Cic Cak' 1

"Cic Cak' 2 =)

Kinda miss the moment when we were ran under the heavy rain, 

                  the moment having my wonderful cheese fried rice with wonderful peeps,
                  the good day, strawberry dream, dessert and peeps in Buffalo Restaurant.

Tomorrow will be another good day with Caren Yap and Evon Ang! =D
Night PeepS!!!! =)